Free for Life International is pleased to report that the results for their partner border monitoring interception programs for the current year are in. They can now share that 150 girls were rescued from slavery in combined efforts between their two existing border stations. Free for Life Intl, along with their partners Peace Rehabilitation Center, operate these programs along the Nepal border. They also are celebrating the capture of 17 traffickers this year through this project. These border stations are among the most effective anti-trafficking programs in this part of the world.
"The results are significantly better than what we had expected for 2011. Needless to say, we are thrilled about this. Even if just one girl had been rescued and spared the trauma of being a sex slave the stations would have been a great victory," states Colette Bercu, CEO of Free for Life. "Building on last year's success at their border station on the Nepal-India border, when the opportunity to open the very first border monitoring station on the Nepal-Tibet border opened up, Free for Life made the investment and jumped at the chance. This is the only crossing between these two countries for a very large distance, so this was a very strategic move to position ourselves at such an important location."
Free for Life's newest Tibet border monitoring interception station opened in March 2012 at the Friendship Bridge. Results are equally promising as Free for Life Intl. and their partners PRC rescued 30 girls since opening at this new location. They expect that this number could be as high as 100 girls in 2013. Notably, the program working along the Nepal-India border is on record-breaking course having rescued significantly more girls this year than were rescued in 2011.
For the past 7 years Free for Life International has partnered with shelters and individuals globally in the fight against human trafficking. Their work includes shelter support, border monitoring, sustainable projects, and scholarships for survivors and for those who are high risk. "We believe it is important to have a multi-disciplinary approach to the rescue and restoration of trafficking survivors, but first and foremost girls must be free. This year the average cost to set a girl free was only $300," Bercu continues. "That is why we have launched a new campaign called Put A Bow On Freedom."
To learn more go to www.freeforlifeintl.org or call Free for Life at 1-888-335-8835.
Free for Life's newest Tibet border monitoring interception station opened in March 2012 at the Friendship Bridge. Results are equally promising as Free for Life Intl. and their partners PRC rescued 30 girls since opening at this new location. They expect that this number could be as high as 100 girls in 2013. Notably, the program working along the Nepal-India border is on record-breaking course having rescued significantly more girls this year than were rescued in 2011.
For the past 7 years Free for Life International has partnered with shelters and individuals globally in the fight against human trafficking. Their work includes shelter support, border monitoring, sustainable projects, and scholarships for survivors and for those who are high risk. "We believe it is important to have a multi-disciplinary approach to the rescue and restoration of trafficking survivors, but first and foremost girls must be free. This year the average cost to set a girl free was only $300," Bercu continues. "That is why we have launched a new campaign called Put A Bow On Freedom."
To learn more go to www.freeforlifeintl.org or call Free for Life at 1-888-335-8835.