- "Priests for Life is grateful to those who have served on the platform committee for the Republican Party for reaffirming the truth that 'the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed.' A declaration like this goes far beyond party politics and national boundaries. It affirms the very purpose of government and an essential condition of civilized society -- a purpose and condition which, to our alarm, has been forgotten by some parties and public officials.
"After pointing to the essential principle of the right to life, the statement further points to concrete steps that can be taken now to more fully implement that principle. In particular, the issue of protecting children who feel pain is one that the public should consider. The Humane Slaughter Act protects animals from unnecessary pain. To do any less for children is not only a policy failure, but a basic failure to act as human beings.
"As we have done in past election cycles, Priests for Life will issue a non-partisan comparison of the party platforms once they are approved by their respective Conventions."
Priests for Life is the nation's largest Catholic pro-life organization dedicated to ending abortion and euthanasia.