The condoms were being passed out to Democrat delegates, inside the security perimeter at the DNC, so Planned Parenthood had permission from Party and Convention officials.
Faith and pro-life leaders are appalled that DNC officials would compare Governor Romney to an STD and reduce President Obama's Campaign to "gutter politics."
Faith and pro-life leaders are appalled that DNC officials would compare Governor Romney to an STD and reduce President Obama's Campaign to "gutter politics."
Leaders also saddened that the Obama Administration and Planned Parenthood would cheapen and diminish the fight against STD's with such a shameful and crass political stunt.
Two questions must be asked of President Obama. "Are these condoms what he meant by hope and change?" And, "Who paid for these condoms?"
Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, states,
Brandi Swindell, Founder and President of Stanton Healthcare, adds,
Two questions must be asked of President Obama. "Are these condoms what he meant by hope and change?" And, "Who paid for these condoms?"
Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, states,
- "It has hard to believe President Obama, Planned Parenthood and the DNC would resort to such gutter politics in comparing Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan to STD's at the Convention.
- "It is tragic that the President and his party will reduce this Presidential campaign to such crass and extremist levels. This is why so many Americans are turned off by the political process.
- "It is also tragic that the Democrat Party which helped fight for civil rights and reached out to the poor and needy across our nation would now stoop to the level of passing out condoms comparing a Presidential Candidate and his running mate to STD's. I wonder how Harry Truman or Thomas Jefferson would feel about this?
- "Let me be clear on this, shame on you President Obama and the DNC. With all the pressing social issues facing our nation, can you and your party really be taken seriously after a stunt like this?"
Brandi Swindell, Founder and President of Stanton Healthcare, adds,
- "As a woman, human rights activist and founder of a life-affirming medical clinic, it is shocking to see Planned Parenthood reduce and diminish the fight against STD's in such a cheap and crass way. It clearly shows that they are more interested in creating a circus like atmosphere than dealing in a serious way with pressing social issues.
- "It also shows that the President and his party are attached at the hip with Planned Parenthood and their radical anti-woman agenda. President Obama now is time for real solutions and not cheap political tricks. Is this really the best you have to offer our nation?"