Christian Film Database, the most extensive database of "Christian Movies," releases it's 1st yearly list of the Top 100 Christian Films on CFDb for the year 2012.
Top 100 Christian Movies
This list is not a list of films released in 2012 but rather a list of the most viewed films on CFDb between January 1, 2012 and December 25, 2012. The point of this list is to show what the most popular films were in 2012 no matter when they were released.
At the end of 2012, CFDb asked a variety of people what number of films they would like to see in a most popular list and the overwhelming response was 100. Annelie says, "This will be the beginning of our new yearly tradition of releasing the top 100 films for each year."
CFDb was started in 2008 with major improvements in 2010 and is constantly adding more films to it's database each week. Roger says "We add new and older films in hopes of having all "Christian Films" listed on CFDb one day."
Christian Films can be added to Christian Film Database by using this link: Add/Update.
What makes CFDb unique from other Film Databases is the use of extensive categories rather than the typical genres. This is a great tool for everyone to find the films they are looking for.
Christian Film Database is an online database of Christian films and their associated information, such as Release Date, Runtime, MPAA Rating, Formats, Director, Producer, Writer, Composer, Cinematographer, Language/Subtitles, Production Company, Distribution Company, Cast, Film Trailer, Film Website, Facebook Page, Twitter Page, Movie Reviews, Contact Info, Synopsis and so on.
CFDb is your online source for All Things Christian Film! Part of what CFDb has to offer can be found in our Interview section, our Blog section which includes Movie Reviews and our Monthly Top 10 Most Looked at Films on CFDb. We also offer services such as critiquing and an e-book entitled, "How to Make a Great Christian Film." There is even a helpful sites page with many resources that is separated into categories such as: Filmmakers, Actor/Actresses, Screenwriters, etc.
This list is not a list of films released in 2012 but rather a list of the most viewed films on CFDb between January 1, 2012 and December 25, 2012. The point of this list is to show what the most popular films were in 2012 no matter when they were released.
At the end of 2012, CFDb asked a variety of people what number of films they would like to see in a most popular list and the overwhelming response was 100. Annelie says, "This will be the beginning of our new yearly tradition of releasing the top 100 films for each year."
CFDb was started in 2008 with major improvements in 2010 and is constantly adding more films to it's database each week. Roger says "We add new and older films in hopes of having all "Christian Films" listed on CFDb one day."
Christian Films can be added to Christian Film Database by using this link: Add/Update.
What makes CFDb unique from other Film Databases is the use of extensive categories rather than the typical genres. This is a great tool for everyone to find the films they are looking for.
Christian Film Database is an online database of Christian films and their associated information, such as Release Date, Runtime, MPAA Rating, Formats, Director, Producer, Writer, Composer, Cinematographer, Language/Subtitles, Production Company, Distribution Company, Cast, Film Trailer, Film Website, Facebook Page, Twitter Page, Movie Reviews, Contact Info, Synopsis and so on.
CFDb is your online source for All Things Christian Film! Part of what CFDb has to offer can be found in our Interview section, our Blog section which includes Movie Reviews and our Monthly Top 10 Most Looked at Films on CFDb. We also offer services such as critiquing and an e-book entitled, "How to Make a Great Christian Film." There is even a helpful sites page with many resources that is separated into categories such as: Filmmakers, Actor/Actresses, Screenwriters, etc.