A Minneapolis-area senior citizens' living center has told an occupant to put up her Bible and halt discussions of her faith -- even if people are willing to hear the message.
![]() The Untold Story of Asia's Underground Railroad "Her account is as captivating as a thriller, but unlike a thriller it is morally compelling." -- novelist Mark Helprin, author of In Sunlight and In Shadow North Korea is hell on earth--ranking at the bottom of every international measure of freedom. Food is scarce. Religion is banned. Jails are abundant. Two hundred thousand men, women and children are incarcerated in political prisons. Their crimes? Possessing a Bible or disrespecting a photograph of Kim John Il. Nearly two hundred homeschool leaders from over twenty countries will meet at the first Global Home Education Conference in Berlin, Germany, on November 1-4, 2012. Although Germany has been one of the most oppressive countries against homeschooling in the West, Patrick Meinhardt, a member of Germany's Free Democratic Party in the Bundestag and the party's education spokesman, is an integral part of the conference. This conference will highlight educational freedom as a "first-order human right" and help equip policymakers to guarantee homeschool freedom.
Due to technical issues, regular postings on LHFministries will be delayed today. Please watch for further developments. Be blessed.
Wycliffe Bible translators are using an effective method to speed up translations by training natives to help.
According to Robert Harmon, the Wycliffe coordinator for the Pacific region, teaching natives the English language so they understand the Bible, commentaries and other printed matter enables them to then translate the Bible into their own languages. ![]() There is a saying that goes like this "You can't choose your family but you can choose your friends". I believe God does both. I believe the Israelites were called God's chosen people not because they were better than anyone else or because they were to be revered more highly than the other peoples in that time, but God was revealing to us that all of His children are chosen by him. Matthew 22:14 says “For many are invited, but few are chosen.” God knew from before time began who would chose to accept His invitation of salvation from their sin and they would be His chosen. So if you accept God's invitation or have already accepted it, then you are one of God's chosen people. <more...> ![]() Two members of the Church of Iran, who belong to a house church that was raided on Friday 12 October by security forces, were arrested today in the city of Shiraz in Fars Province. Their arrest came after they were summoned to the Intelligence Ministry’s detention centre, Pelak (Plaque 100), where seven other members of their house church are currently being held. |
Walter Blackwood
Associate Pastor with The Bridge Community of Faith in Kelowna BC Canada. Archives
May 2017