Before the Super Bowl, The New York Times reported that the NYPD had already made 298 prostitution-related arrests this year through Jan. 26, a 30 percent increase over the same period in 2013. CNN also reported on a New York City high-end drug and prostitution bust last week.
In the aftermath of the Super Bowl, authorities announced that they rescued 16 minors in the New York City area from sex traffickers. In addition, more than 50 women who were also coerced to work as prostitutes were saved. Police from more than 50 law enforcement agencies spanning New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Connecticut arrested 45 pimps in a two-week run up to the Super Bowl.
Before the Super Bowl, The New York Times reported that the NYPD had already made 298 prostitution-related arrests this year through Jan. 26, a 30 percent increase over the same period in 2013. CNN also reported on a New York City high-end drug and prostitution bust last week.
It seems simple. Do you want to have a good relationship with Christ? Then read the Bible and pray. And be disciplined about it. For some men this comes very naturally, for most men it takes work, and for a few it remains a stubborn source of shame and defeat. We absolutely need to continue to encourage more men to read the Bible every day and to spend time in prayer with God. And it's great if they have the discipline to do it at the same place and same time every day. But some men may also need to hear that they can stay connected to Christ and keep growing by using a variety of strategies to read God’s Word and pray. Solar-powered audio Bibles, helped the Boko Haram come to Christ. The rebel terrorist group known as Boko Haram has done it again. This time they killed more than 70. Reports indicate 52 people were killed in a Kawuri village in Borno state. Twenty-two more died in an attack on a church service in Waga Chakawa village in Adamawa state. World Mission supports partners working there on the ground with unreached people groups. The organization’s executive director, Greg Kelley says, “The people that we work with in northern Nigeria are stationed in the vicinity of where Boko Haram is, so it’s made it very difficult for our partners to operate. They literally have one eye open at night because people are being killed and kidnapped.” A Syrian mother and her daughter are under fire for their new Christian faith. Three years ago, "Karima" learned about the love of Jesus and became a devoted follower. As the married mother of three, she hoped her husband "Ismaeil," a Muslim, might also believe. Instead, he became even more devoted to his Muslim faith and trained as an imam (an Islamic spiritual leader). A family of seven was murdered when armed Fulani tribesmen attacked a village in southern Kaduna State on 30 January. According to reports received by Christian Solidarity Worldwide-Nigeria (CSW-N), Manyekrun Village in the Sabon Garin Manchok District of Kaura Local Government Area (LGA) was attacked at around 11pm last night. The assailants murdered Mr Abin Kaawai, his wife Ruth Abin, and their children, Indip, Emma, Cletus, Bitrus and Dauda. CSW-N also reported that the area is extremely tense following the murders, as angry young men set fire to the homes of some local Fulanis. When I was little, I couldn’t wait to sit down in front of my television set on Thursday evenings. With my bowl of popcorn nearby, I’d munch away and laugh at the antics of iconic TV characters such as the educated and witty Huxtable family on THE COSBY SHOW and the loveable political leanings of everyone’s favorite Republican, Alex P. Keaton on FAMILY TIES. It was funny, smart, and, most of all, family friendly. Today, however, I struggle to give my family those same memories. Most network producers use suggestive dialogue, over the top violence, and gratuitous sex scenes to spice up their plots. Instead of bonding over the laughter of our favorite TV show, I cover my children’s eyes and send them to bed before the last round of Wheel of Fortune. |
Walter Blackwood
Associate Pastor with The Bridge Community of Faith in Kelowna BC Canada. Archives
May 2017