I cried out to God for help; I cried out to God to hear me. When I was in distress, I sought the Lord; at night I stretched out untiring hands, and I would not be comforted. (Psalms 77:1-2)
Whenever I read these verses I remember some of the hardest points of my life. Times when I was certain I was either going to die, or at the least wish I was dead. I cried out into the darkness not even sure if anyone was there to hear me, but He was. He heard me and wept for me. I look back now and see His presence was the one thing that kept me from falling apart, but because I would not accept Him, I continued to suffer. Even though His child was a sinner and denied Him, He came and loved His child. As we discover that we have no control over our lives, we can rest in knowing He is there and is in control. Now when I feel the weight of the world pressing down upon me I don’t have to bear that weight alone. I can call out to my heavenly Father who will stand with me and my soul knows comfort.
In the above verse, Asaph was in such need that he held out his hand before the Lord throughout the night. When have you felt a need like this?
Why do you think we don’t always see a response when we call out to God?
In the above verse, Asaph was in such need that he held out his hand before the Lord throughout the night. When have you felt a need like this?
Why do you think we don’t always see a response when we call out to God?