A meteor streaked across the sky and exploded over Russia's Ural Mountains with the power of an atomic bomb Friday, its sonic blasts shattering countless windows and injuring nearly 1,000 people.
The spectacle deeply frightened many Russians, with some elderly women declaring that the world was coming to an end. Many of the injured were cut by flying glass as they flocked to windows to see what the reason was for such an intense flash of light.
Rick Warren: Ministries Should Refuse Government Aid
Popular Pastor Rick Warren said any organization that sees evangelism as a priority should not take government money.
The pastor of Saddleback Community Church in California told Washington reporters he's refused millions the Obama and Bush administrations offered in support of his ministry's global relief efforts.
Pope Benedict to be First Pope in Over 600 Years to Resgin
The spiritual leader of 1.2 billion Catholics, Pope Benedict XVI, surprised the world Monday by saying he will resign at the end of the month "because of advanced age." It's the first time a pope has resigned in nearly 600 years.
"Strength of mind and body are necessary, strength which in the last few months has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognize my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me," the pope said, according to the Vatican.
Christian recording artist TobyMac’s blend of rap, hip-hop, rock and soul raced up the charts last year and shattered many stereotypes along the way.
“Toby blows everybody’s perception of what Christian or gospel music is because Toby makes Jesus look cool,” Billboard Magazine’s Deborah Evans Price told the PBS program “Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly.”
Jonathan Cahn's Unapologetic Prophetic Message to America Goes Viral
Messianic rabbi Jonathan Cahn's keynote address at the January Presidential Inaugural Breakfast went viral on YouTube shortly after its posting.
The video has garnered over 100,000 views, gaining worldwide attention for its bold outcry for America to return to God.
Though its controversial message initially received some suppression on the Internet, its popularity continued to grow. Many have called it “the most important and powerful clip on YouTube ever.”
'Packing Heat in Church' Increasingly Allowed in U.S.A.
As gun control takes high priority on Capitol Hill, state legislatures increasingly are allowing concealed guns in our most sacred place, the church, either for personal protection or for worshippers designated as church security personnel.
Arkansas, on Feb. 4, became the eighth state to pass legislation allowing concealed guns specifically in churches. In a lopsided bipartisan vote, state legislators voted to allow each church to decide whether individuals with concealed carry permits could take guns in church for personal protection.