Dear Mission Partners,
Happy New Year! We pray that God will bless, guide, and keep every one of you throughout the year ahead. Our family spent this past Christmas and New Year season surrounded by our extended family. Now that the calendar has flipped from 2012 to 2013, our family is excited about what this new year will bring for us. It promises to be an eventful one! We have already circled a number of dates on our calendar. |
When we are leaving
The date that is the foremost in our minds is Monday, March 25th. At 6am on that day, our family will be flying out from Calgary. The trip that we begin that morning will take us to Denver, Washington DC, Brussels (in Belgium), and will eventually bring us to Yaounde, Cameroon at 7:15pm on Tuesday, March 26th. We are very excited to tell you that we will be departing soon to begin work on the Nizaa New Testament project. Please join us in praying for safe and uneventful flights all the way to Cameroon, that we will make all connections, and that our bags will arrive with us in Yaounde.
The date that is the foremost in our minds is Monday, March 25th. At 6am on that day, our family will be flying out from Calgary. The trip that we begin that morning will take us to Denver, Washington DC, Brussels (in Belgium), and will eventually bring us to Yaounde, Cameroon at 7:15pm on Tuesday, March 26th. We are very excited to tell you that we will be departing soon to begin work on the Nizaa New Testament project. Please join us in praying for safe and uneventful flights all the way to Cameroon, that we will make all connections, and that our bags will arrive with us in Yaounde.
A lot to do in so little time
While we are excited about our fast-approaching departure date, we are also a little intimidated by how much we need to get done before we can leave! Here are some of the items on our to-do list: o Pack & ship personal belongings o Get new Passports & Cameroon visas o Complete vaccination schedule o Prepare wills & power of attorney o Get CPR & 1st Aid certification o Sort out home-schooling plan o Dental & Medical exams o Complete partnership visit schedule o Sell our Jeep & other belongings o Farewell our friends & family There are other items on our list too, but those are some of the larger ones. What makes us nervous is that we only have about 10 weeks to complete all of the things on our list! |
Please pray that we will be able to complete all that is necessary before we leave, and that God will protect us from getting overly stressed as we prepare to leave. |
More important dates
A few of the other dates that we have circled on our calendar are those dates that we have set aside to say our goodbyes to our family and friends. On the weekend of February 9-10, we will be in Regina to bid farewell to Kara's side of the family. We are in the process of booking a Sunday afternoon in March to say goodbye to my side of the family in Red Deer. Then, on the day before we leave (Palm Sunday - March 24th, in the afternoon and evening), we will be gathering with friends and family at Foothills Lutheran Church in Calgary for a final farewell before we leave. If you live in Alberta or around Regina and would like to see us before we leave, please come to one of our going away events or contact us so that we can set up a time to see you.
A few of the other dates that we have circled on our calendar are those dates that we have set aside to say our goodbyes to our family and friends. On the weekend of February 9-10, we will be in Regina to bid farewell to Kara's side of the family. We are in the process of booking a Sunday afternoon in March to say goodbye to my side of the family in Red Deer. Then, on the day before we leave (Palm Sunday - March 24th, in the afternoon and evening), we will be gathering with friends and family at Foothills Lutheran Church in Calgary for a final farewell before we leave. If you live in Alberta or around Regina and would like to see us before we leave, please come to one of our going away events or contact us so that we can set up a time to see you.
Partnership Update: One Leg Complete on a Longer Road

There's just one more thing I'd like to include in this prayer letter before sending it to print... I want to thank all of you who contributed to the Nizaa New Testament project in the past year! We made it! Enough partners came on board and enough funds were raised for the project to enable us to make that all-important step of booking our flights. Thank you! I've included another bar graph in here that shows you where our fundraising efforts stood at the end of 2012. Our family was humbled and inspired by how God moved you to provide for our work in the latter stages of 2012. You prayed for Him to provide... Now please join us in offering thanks and praise to God for His generous provision!
Kara and I write thank you cards to our financial partners. While we were writing more cards last week, I found myself thinking, "If everyone who gave last year - no matter the amount - would give the same for the next few years, we will have the funds we need to complete this project." You were so generous last year! You helped us get over that first big fundraising hurdle. We pray that all of you will continue to financially partner with us in the years to come so that the Nizaa people can receive the precious Word of God in their own language.
Kara and I write thank you cards to our financial partners. While we were writing more cards last week, I found myself thinking, "If everyone who gave last year - no matter the amount - would give the same for the next few years, we will have the funds we need to complete this project." You were so generous last year! You helped us get over that first big fundraising hurdle. We pray that all of you will continue to financially partner with us in the years to come so that the Nizaa people can receive the precious Word of God in their own language.
Prayer Points
Please join us in praying:
- A prayer of thanks to God for providing sufficient partnership support for this project so that we were enabled to make plans to travel to Cameroon in March.
- For God to continue to raise up partners for the project as we visit churches, schools and individuals in the Edmonton area. (January)
- That we will be able to complete all that is necessary before we leave, and that God will protect us from getting overly stressed as we prepare to leave. (February)
- For safe and uneventful flights all the way to Cameroon, that we will make all of our connections, and that all of our bags will arrive with us in Yaounde. (March)
Note: The dates at the end of some petitions indicate the timeframe when you could ask your pastor to include the request in the congregational prayers.
Please join us in praying:
- A prayer of thanks to God for providing sufficient partnership support for this project so that we were enabled to make plans to travel to Cameroon in March.
- For God to continue to raise up partners for the project as we visit churches, schools and individuals in the Edmonton area. (January)
- That we will be able to complete all that is necessary before we leave, and that God will protect us from getting overly stressed as we prepare to leave. (February)
- For safe and uneventful flights all the way to Cameroon, that we will make all of our connections, and that all of our bags will arrive with us in Yaounde. (March)
Note: The dates at the end of some petitions indicate the timeframe when you could ask your pastor to include the request in the congregational prayers.
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