"Unconditional," a faith-based film that received high marks from critics and moviegoers when it was in theaters last year, is now on DVD.
The film, starring Michael Ealy and Lynn Collins, tells the true story of "Papa Joe" Bradford and his ministry to inner-city children. Bradford's love for the kids impacts his friend Samantha, who is questioning her will to live after her husband is murdered.
Unconditional didn't fare well at the box office but scored an 89 percent at the movie review website RottenTomatoes.com, meaning that 89 percent of users rated it at least 3.5 stars out of 5. Moviegoers at the ticket website Fandango.dom rated it a "must go."
The film, starring Michael Ealy and Lynn Collins, tells the true story of "Papa Joe" Bradford and his ministry to inner-city children. Bradford's love for the kids impacts his friend Samantha, who is questioning her will to live after her husband is murdered.
Unconditional didn't fare well at the box office but scored an 89 percent at the movie review website RottenTomatoes.com, meaning that 89 percent of users rated it at least 3.5 stars out of 5. Moviegoers at the ticket website Fandango.dom rated it a "must go."
It also received high marks from Christian and mainstream reviewers. Variety's Joe Leydon called Unconditional a "faith-based drama about redemption and renewal that is blessed with the saving graces of persuasive performances, handsome production values and some undeniably affecting moments of spiritual uplift."
LifeWay Christian Stores and LifeWay.com will carry the DVD and a 4-session Bible study for individual and group study.
The film is rated PG-13 for some violent content and mature thematic elements. It contains no foul language or sexuality.
LifeWay Christian Stores and LifeWay.com will carry the DVD and a 4-session Bible study for individual and group study.
The film is rated PG-13 for some violent content and mature thematic elements. It contains no foul language or sexuality.