In God’s “family room,” we experience the inviting warmth of a hearth with a fire burning and a father sitting there, welcoming us into the family of God as forgiven children of God. This occurs after we are born again, and move from God’s “courtroom” where Jesus, our advocate, presents us as blood bought children to the Father. Following this, when we recognize subsequent sin in our lives, we do not have to return to the courtroom of God; but are the children of God, and our salvation is a settled matter from that time onward.
The Scriptures declare that when we are born again, there is no more condemnation for the believer (Rom. 8:1). We are also assured of ongoing forgiveness (see 1 John 2:1-2, 12). In that passage the apostle John exhorts the believer not to sin willfully. But when we do sin, we are assured that we have an advocate in Jesus who will forgive us.
It is here in the family room that we ask God’s forgiveness for subsequent sin so that we can maintain fellowship with the Father. In that way we grow in our faith and overcome any barrier to enjoying intimate communion with Him. Again, the apostle John explains this ongoing process of growing in grace (see 1 John 1:9-10). It is important to recognize the distinction between our initial audience with a holy God in His courtroom and our daily audience with God in His family room. Here we come to commune with our Father and be continually washed from any unrighteousness.
Passing from the courtroom to the family room and beyond, we observe a most inviting room indeed—I call it the “sunroom.” It’s where we may bask in the warmth of God’s divine light and His peace.
The sunroom is a place of fellowship where we are learning to continually rest in His redemption. We can wait in His presence, commune with Him and cultivate our relationship there. The sunroom is a blessed reward for those who have settled the sin question in the courtroom and learned to confess their sins daily in the family room.
In this divine sunroom, we enjoy what the psalmist called “the pleasures at His right hand forever” (Psalm 16:11). Walking in His continual forgiveness gives us a chance to realize this promise of resting in His redemption. It is this place of intimate communion with the Father that equips us to become more useful for our purpose in life.
It is no wonder that even angels desire to understand this divine mystery of our redemption (1 Pet.1:12). This supernatural salvation works to redeem us so completely that it restores every part of our lives to God’s purpose: our past, our present and future.
For our past, Christ dies on the cross to provide salvation from the ravages of sin. Though we cannot change our past, when we submit our lives to His lordship, He can make our worst situation work for our good according to His purpose (Rom. 8:28).
Passing from the courtroom to the family room and beyond, we observe a most inviting room indeed—I call it the “sunroom.” It’s where we may bask in the warmth of God’s divine light and His peace.
The sunroom is a place of fellowship where we are learning to continually rest in His redemption. We can wait in His presence, commune with Him and cultivate our relationship there. The sunroom is a blessed reward for those who have settled the sin question in the courtroom and learned to confess their sins daily in the family room.
In this divine sunroom, we enjoy what the psalmist called “the pleasures at His right hand forever” (Psalm 16:11). Walking in His continual forgiveness gives us a chance to realize this promise of resting in His redemption. It is this place of intimate communion with the Father that equips us to become more useful for our purpose in life.
It is no wonder that even angels desire to understand this divine mystery of our redemption (1 Pet.1:12). This supernatural salvation works to redeem us so completely that it restores every part of our lives to God’s purpose: our past, our present and future.
For our past, Christ dies on the cross to provide salvation from the ravages of sin. Though we cannot change our past, when we submit our lives to His lordship, He can make our worst situation work for our good according to His purpose (Rom. 8:28).
In the present, as we learn to live with Him in the family room, we receive ongoing cleansing through daily confession. As our hearts are filled with the exhilaration of His forgiveness, we will want to hang out with Him in the sunroom, where we enjoy fellowship in His light (1 John 1:7). His love fills us more and more as we learn to rest in His redemption in the present.
In the future salvation, God will fulfill His promises of eternal bliss, of making us completely free from our sinful nature. No more will we suffer the mortality of our human bodies, and the eternal Sabbath rest of God will be ours forever, without end.
The Scriptures teach that as we wait before God, beholding His glory (3 Cor. 3:18), we receive the power of God’s grace to change us and continually make us more like Him. In that divine mystery of personal intimacy with God, our past, our present and future redemption is sanctified to God’s loving purposes. As we learn to receive His love, we will reflect His peace, His joy and His divine glory in our lives and we can rest in His redemption.
In the future salvation, God will fulfill His promises of eternal bliss, of making us completely free from our sinful nature. No more will we suffer the mortality of our human bodies, and the eternal Sabbath rest of God will be ours forever, without end.
The Scriptures teach that as we wait before God, beholding His glory (3 Cor. 3:18), we receive the power of God’s grace to change us and continually make us more like Him. In that divine mystery of personal intimacy with God, our past, our present and future redemption is sanctified to God’s loving purposes. As we learn to receive His love, we will reflect His peace, His joy and His divine glory in our lives and we can rest in His redemption.
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