How often things of value now
For which we strive with furrowed brow
Will seem so small and out of place
Compared to God's redemptive grace
Those things which He's have us win
Were pushed aside and left to Him
When we see His outstretched hands
Soldiers scourged with flinted brands
We'll see lives own truest worth
Stripped of it glitter and it dearth
When we see that face above
That's looking down on us with love
How often things, that seem so small
Will be to God so great and tall
So trivial to us they may seem
But to God they are the cream
Yet we often pass them by
As our short hours quickly fly
For which we strive with furrowed brow
Will seem so small and out of place
Compared to God's redemptive grace
Those things which He's have us win
Were pushed aside and left to Him
When we see His outstretched hands
Soldiers scourged with flinted brands
We'll see lives own truest worth
Stripped of it glitter and it dearth
When we see that face above
That's looking down on us with love
How often things, that seem so small
Will be to God so great and tall
So trivial to us they may seem
But to God they are the cream
Yet we often pass them by
As our short hours quickly fly
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