Reaction has been strong following yesterday's announcement that the Democratic Party plans to adopt support for "gay marriage" at its nominating convention in early September.
During a weekend meeting in Minneapolis, the party's platform drafting committee voted to include language backing homosexual marriage -- that according to an official within the Democratic Party. Delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, NC, will formally approve the platform at the same gathering where President Barack Obama will be nominated to run for re-election. In early May, the president publicly endorsed same-sex marriage -- one day after North Carolina voters approved a constitutional amendment protecting traditional marriage.
During a weekend meeting in Minneapolis, the party's platform drafting committee voted to include language backing homosexual marriage -- that according to an official within the Democratic Party. Delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, NC, will formally approve the platform at the same gathering where President Barack Obama will be nominated to run for re-election. In early May, the president publicly endorsed same-sex marriage -- one day after North Carolina voters approved a constitutional amendment protecting traditional marriage.
Thirty-two states have defined marriage as between one man and one woman, prohibiting recognition of marriage in any other form. Thomas Peters of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) told reports that President Obama and his party are apparently forgetting that.
"He's reopening a can of worms that the voters in these states all kind of conclusively settled for themselves," he says. "And one of our big points is that obviously if the Democrats have their way, all of the marriage amendments passed in [those states and] certainly Florida and other swing states are in jeopardy."
"He's reopening a can of worms that the voters in these states all kind of conclusively settled for themselves," he says. "And one of our big points is that obviously if the Democrats have their way, all of the marriage amendments passed in [those states and] certainly Florida and other swing states are in jeopardy."
NOM Brian Brown
NOM president Brian Brown believes the Democratic Party "has been captured by extremists ... like Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi who are determined to redefine marriage" in America. Peters says that being the case, the question for rank-and-file Democrats is what place they have at the table.
"It seems that the person who sort of leaked this news is [Massachusetts Congressman] Barney Frank," says Peters. "It's coastal liberals in states like California, New York, and Massachusetts that are more and more shaping the direction of the Democrat Party [sic], leaving behind Democrats with social conservative values." |
He adds: "I think it's particularly ironic that the Democrats are choosing to introduce for the first time the idea that they are corporately behind redefining marriage in a state where all the evidence suggests a majority of Democrats just voted in May to define marriage as a union between a husband and a wife." The North Carolina marriage amendment passed with 61-percent approval.
The National Organization for Marriage says the party's leaders are "leading Democrats off the cliff" -- and that the outcome of the election in November "is a proxy for the survival of traditional marriage in our nation." Pastor William Owens, who heads the Coalition of African-American Pastors, was asked on American Family Radio what impact he believes the decision will have on the black vote in November.
"I think it's going to erode their support because African-Americans are the conscience of America," he stated. "And I think it's going to hurt Mr. Obama in ways he does not expect. He thinks because he is black that he's going to get a pass -- but there are many blacks who are not going to give him a pass."
Owens pointed out that blacks have overwhelmingly voted against same-sex marriage in every state where it has been on the ballot.
The National Organization for Marriage says the party's leaders are "leading Democrats off the cliff" -- and that the outcome of the election in November "is a proxy for the survival of traditional marriage in our nation." Pastor William Owens, who heads the Coalition of African-American Pastors, was asked on American Family Radio what impact he believes the decision will have on the black vote in November.
"I think it's going to erode their support because African-Americans are the conscience of America," he stated. "And I think it's going to hurt Mr. Obama in ways he does not expect. He thinks because he is black that he's going to get a pass -- but there are many blacks who are not going to give him a pass."
Owens pointed out that blacks have overwhelmingly voted against same-sex marriage in every state where it has been on the ballot.
Huckabee: This could 'sink the ship' for Democrats
Former GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee says the Democratic Party's new platform supporting same-gender marriage is the best thing that has ever happened to the Republican Party. Huckabee says he sees the biggest political impact in the South and Midwest. |
Mike Huckabee
"If there is any vestige of a Democratic Party in some of these areas, this may sink the ship," he says.
The former Arkansas governor acknowledges that many people recognize that individuals have different points of views and choose to live in lifestyles that they do not necessarily agree with or approve of.
"But what they're not going to do is to sit back and assume that once a major political party and a president of the United States have now openly declared war on biblical marriage and the traditional concept of one man, one woman for life, they no longer are going to support that," he states.
The Fox News contributor also says it is a very tragic day when people are so interested in getting votes and contributions from a certain community that they are willing to "forgo their own principles and just throw them overboard."
Meanwhile, according to Huckabee, reaction to his calls for "Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day" on Wednesday has taken off. "[We've had] 20 million visits and views to our Facebook page announcing the event," he says. "It has been stunning."
Huckabee made his comments on American Family Radio's Today's Issues program. He stated that even those people who may not agree with Chick-fil-A's president supporting traditional marriage can show their support for First Amendment rights, in the wake of several elected officials saying they will keep Chick-fil-A out of their cities.
The former Arkansas governor acknowledges that many people recognize that individuals have different points of views and choose to live in lifestyles that they do not necessarily agree with or approve of.
"But what they're not going to do is to sit back and assume that once a major political party and a president of the United States have now openly declared war on biblical marriage and the traditional concept of one man, one woman for life, they no longer are going to support that," he states.
The Fox News contributor also says it is a very tragic day when people are so interested in getting votes and contributions from a certain community that they are willing to "forgo their own principles and just throw them overboard."
Meanwhile, according to Huckabee, reaction to his calls for "Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day" on Wednesday has taken off. "[We've had] 20 million visits and views to our Facebook page announcing the event," he says. "It has been stunning."
Huckabee made his comments on American Family Radio's Today's Issues program. He stated that even those people who may not agree with Chick-fil-A's president supporting traditional marriage can show their support for First Amendment rights, in the wake of several elected officials saying they will keep Chick-fil-A out of their cities.
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