"At the remains of an ancient metropolis in southern Israel, archaeologists are piecing together the history of a people remembered chiefly as the bad guys of the Hebrew Bible." A USA Today article goes on to describe an archeological dig around the ancient city of Gath, home of the Philistines. Their finding supported historical truth behind biblical accounts, including the geopolitical reality behind the Goliath story. Such discoveries support the belief that the Bible is more than just another religious book -- that both history and archeology support it. But what does the archeological accuracy of Scripture say about God and His involvement in the lives of those He created?
Rev. Frank Brown sees Scripture as HIS-story -- God's history of wanting to interact with His creation. His upcoming book Footprints of the Creator helps readers see that when we examine the stories in the Bible, we see right from the start that God had every intention of walking with man. Even after the fall, God pursued mankind relentlessly with a loving heart. He continues to play a role in our lives, even at times when we don't want Him to. Footprints of the Creator reveals that relationship is important to God.
Brown began his spiritual life while in the Navy. Being a history buff, he became interested in the historical account of the Creator and His creation found in the Bible. After his discharge from the military, Brown attended the Philadelphia School of the Bible and Reformed Episcopal Seminary. He served as a pastor for twenty years in Vermont while also working to support his family. Exhausted, he and his wife began devoting their time to studying about their Creator in conjunction with archeology and history.
His book is described as a leisurely stroll through sixteen years of studies and research to share the indelible Footprints of the Creator. It includes thought-provoking highlights intended to encourage anyone who needs assurance that we serve a loving and compassionate Father.
Rev. Frank Brown sees Scripture as HIS-story -- God's history of wanting to interact with His creation. His upcoming book Footprints of the Creator helps readers see that when we examine the stories in the Bible, we see right from the start that God had every intention of walking with man. Even after the fall, God pursued mankind relentlessly with a loving heart. He continues to play a role in our lives, even at times when we don't want Him to. Footprints of the Creator reveals that relationship is important to God.
Brown began his spiritual life while in the Navy. Being a history buff, he became interested in the historical account of the Creator and His creation found in the Bible. After his discharge from the military, Brown attended the Philadelphia School of the Bible and Reformed Episcopal Seminary. He served as a pastor for twenty years in Vermont while also working to support his family. Exhausted, he and his wife began devoting their time to studying about their Creator in conjunction with archeology and history.
His book is described as a leisurely stroll through sixteen years of studies and research to share the indelible Footprints of the Creator. It includes thought-provoking highlights intended to encourage anyone who needs assurance that we serve a loving and compassionate Father.
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