Strip-searching a father because his four-year-old sketched a toy gun at school paints a perfect picture of progressive public education: absurd yet sinister. On the Keystone Kops side, if police took the girl's now-vanished doodle of her father fighting monsters and bad guys seriously, why not search his home for villains, or werewolves, before a gun? And why handcuff Jesse Sansone then strip-search him, including making him lift his personal bits? Don't cops know a gun won't fit down there? Did they also check his armpit for a tank, or his ear for a sword?
On the Big Nurse side, the police arrested Sansone for illegal possession of a firearm without any credible evidence he even had a gun, let alone illegally. They "walked through" his home without a warrant. Social services grabbed his three eldest children and interrogated his pregnant wife. And they are unrepentant.
Waterloo Regional School district superintendant Gregg Bereznick told reporters: "We do work hand-in-hand with these families because we co-parent, so we hope that we could move forward."
Co-parent? Neither Sansone nor anyone else ever went on one knee to his beloved then invited the school board into the marriage as co-parent. And the state clearly regards parents as subordinates, not partners. Note how Leviathan's tentacles converge on hapless citizens like Sansone, from school boards to social services to police and beyond.
Canada's Supreme Court just said parents can't withdraw kids from Quebec's religion and ethics class because such conduct "amounts to a rejection of the multicultural reality of Canadian society and ignores the Quebec government's obligations with regard to public education." Which trump parental desires.
Meanwhile, Alberta's new Education Act won't let home-schoolers and religious schools express "disrespect for differences". A ministry spokesperson burbled: "You can affirm the family's ideology in your family life, you just can't do it as part of your educational study and instruction." But doesn't instruction include what you teach at the dinner table? Again, the state overrules parents in classrooms, and if they home-school it follows them home.
This is not co-parenting. It is taking over. And progressive educators used to be quite open about it. While Dalton McGuinty and his education minister backed the strip-search school board in typically weasely language, John Dewey's 1916 Democracy and Education frankly hoped "we may produce in schools a projection of the type of the society we should like to realize, and by forming minds in accord with it gradually modify the larger and more recalcitrant features of adult society."
Future U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, while president of Princeton University, said a liberal education aimed "to make a person as unlike his father as possible." And George Bernard Shaw, tireless and witty popularizer of left-wing ideas, declared bluntly in The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism: "For nine mortal years the child is taken out of its parents' hands for most of the day, and thus made a state school child instead of a private family child..."
This aggressive substitution of state for parent violates the UN Declaration of Human Rights, specifically Article 26(3): "Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children." But as Thomas Sowell wrote about "death education" and other perverse social conditioning in schools: "The real issue is: Whose children are these?"
If you say the state, what you'll get isn't really education at all. Not only are the three Rs slipping, but as W.B. Yeats said: "Education is not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire."
When schools pour politically correct slops into students' heads, they extinguish rather than ignite curiosity. Besides, according to poet Robert Frost: "Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper." Whereas hysterical guardians of modern educational orthodoxy freak out at a doodle.
The result is dangerous as well as ludicrous. G.K. Chesterton said real self-government means ordinary people are "within reasonable human limits, masters of their own lives." Progressive education has the opposite goal.
That's why a child's sketch can now produce a warrantless search of a man's house and a brainless search of his underpants.
On the Big Nurse side, the police arrested Sansone for illegal possession of a firearm without any credible evidence he even had a gun, let alone illegally. They "walked through" his home without a warrant. Social services grabbed his three eldest children and interrogated his pregnant wife. And they are unrepentant.
Waterloo Regional School district superintendant Gregg Bereznick told reporters: "We do work hand-in-hand with these families because we co-parent, so we hope that we could move forward."
Co-parent? Neither Sansone nor anyone else ever went on one knee to his beloved then invited the school board into the marriage as co-parent. And the state clearly regards parents as subordinates, not partners. Note how Leviathan's tentacles converge on hapless citizens like Sansone, from school boards to social services to police and beyond.
Canada's Supreme Court just said parents can't withdraw kids from Quebec's religion and ethics class because such conduct "amounts to a rejection of the multicultural reality of Canadian society and ignores the Quebec government's obligations with regard to public education." Which trump parental desires.
Meanwhile, Alberta's new Education Act won't let home-schoolers and religious schools express "disrespect for differences". A ministry spokesperson burbled: "You can affirm the family's ideology in your family life, you just can't do it as part of your educational study and instruction." But doesn't instruction include what you teach at the dinner table? Again, the state overrules parents in classrooms, and if they home-school it follows them home.
This is not co-parenting. It is taking over. And progressive educators used to be quite open about it. While Dalton McGuinty and his education minister backed the strip-search school board in typically weasely language, John Dewey's 1916 Democracy and Education frankly hoped "we may produce in schools a projection of the type of the society we should like to realize, and by forming minds in accord with it gradually modify the larger and more recalcitrant features of adult society."
Future U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, while president of Princeton University, said a liberal education aimed "to make a person as unlike his father as possible." And George Bernard Shaw, tireless and witty popularizer of left-wing ideas, declared bluntly in The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism: "For nine mortal years the child is taken out of its parents' hands for most of the day, and thus made a state school child instead of a private family child..."
This aggressive substitution of state for parent violates the UN Declaration of Human Rights, specifically Article 26(3): "Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children." But as Thomas Sowell wrote about "death education" and other perverse social conditioning in schools: "The real issue is: Whose children are these?"
If you say the state, what you'll get isn't really education at all. Not only are the three Rs slipping, but as W.B. Yeats said: "Education is not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire."
When schools pour politically correct slops into students' heads, they extinguish rather than ignite curiosity. Besides, according to poet Robert Frost: "Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper." Whereas hysterical guardians of modern educational orthodoxy freak out at a doodle.
The result is dangerous as well as ludicrous. G.K. Chesterton said real self-government means ordinary people are "within reasonable human limits, masters of their own lives." Progressive education has the opposite goal.
That's why a child's sketch can now produce a warrantless search of a man's house and a brainless search of his underpants.
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