A 17-year-old woman on fire for protecting human life has decided to do something about Prime Minister Harper’s apathy towards young life in the womb. Alexandra Jezierski has started Letters4Life, a campaign to write 100,000 letters to Harper by May 10th “to speak out against abortion.” “I realized that this is something we really need to do in Canada,” Alexandra said from her home in Kingsville.
According to Statistics Canada, approximately 100,000 babies are murdered annually through abortion in Canada. With no legal protection under Canadian law, a baby can be killed in a mother’s womb for any reason and at any moment during the pregnancy. The law does not protect the baby until the moment of birth.
“And we are forced to pay for this with our tax money,” wrote Alexandra on her Facebook page. “It is time to stop this injustice.”
Prime Minister Harper has unequivocally stated more than once that he will not ever permit anyone to open the abortion debate.
Alexandra, who is finishing her 11th grade through home schooling, was inspired to begin her Letters4Life campaign after she read a story on LifeSiteNews about the Teenage Life Club in the U.S. and its campaign to flood the White House with one million pro-life letters before the end of March.
Alexandra designed a website with the help of her father and a Facebook page that provides the Prime Minister’s contact info, a form letter, as well as a survey to keep track of how many letters have been sent. The campaign was officially launched on March 25, the international day of the unborn.
“I would love to make a difference in how our government looks at abortion. I believe that we can accomplish that by showing just how many Canadians are pro-life,” she said.
The form letter tells the Prime Minister that if Canada is to be held up as a free and just nation, then the rights of even the youngest and smallest of human persons must first be upheld.
“I stand, as a voice for the voiceless, demanding justice for the unborn. For the sake of the unborn, for the sake of justice, for the sake of Canada, I will continue to fight for and uphold the basic human right of the most vulnerable and most innocent ones of our society,” the form letter states.
Alexandra told LSN that if she could have an exclusive visit with the Prime Minister, she would ask him whether he believes that unborn babies are human.
“Scientific proof has shown us that the unborn are human,” she said, adding that “all human beings in our country are entitled to their rights, especially to the basic right to life.”
“I’d like to ask the Prime Minister to reopen the abortion debate so that we can establish Canada’s stance on life.”
“There should be no exclusions based on discrimination because of the size or the viability baby,” she said she would tell the Prime Minister.
Alissa Golob, Director of Campaign Life Coalition Youth, told LSN that the Letters4Life campaign highlights the “amazing initiatives” that young people are taking upon themselves in connection to the annual March for Life. The closing date of Alexandra’s letter writing campaign coincides with the date of the National March For Life in Ottawa, which is May 10th.
“We are going to win this battle, and it’s because of people like Alexandria, as well as the tens of thousands of young people who attend the March for Life every year who will do it,” said Golob.
Alexandra’s passion for protecting the lives of the unborn is contagious.
“What if you could help change the course of the future?” she asks. “What if you could save countless lives or what if you could unite with thousands of Canadians and stand up and fight for the preciousness of life to be recognized… from the moment of conception to natural death?”
Alexandra believes that if pro-life Canadians unite, her campaign will reach its goal of 100,000 letters sent to Prime Minister Harper.
“So yeah, maybe we’re crazy. But we’re determined. We’re strong. We’re passionate. And that’s what’s going to make the difference,” she said.
To join Alexandra and her pro-life efforts for Canada:
1. Write your own letter, or use Alexandra’s form letter.
2. Letters may be mailed (postage is free) to:
The Right Honourable Stephen Harper
Prime Minister of Canada
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2
e-mail: [email protected]
3. Submit letters or e-mails sent to Alexandra’s data tracker.
Letter4Life Facebook page
According to Statistics Canada, approximately 100,000 babies are murdered annually through abortion in Canada. With no legal protection under Canadian law, a baby can be killed in a mother’s womb for any reason and at any moment during the pregnancy. The law does not protect the baby until the moment of birth.
“And we are forced to pay for this with our tax money,” wrote Alexandra on her Facebook page. “It is time to stop this injustice.”
Prime Minister Harper has unequivocally stated more than once that he will not ever permit anyone to open the abortion debate.
Alexandra, who is finishing her 11th grade through home schooling, was inspired to begin her Letters4Life campaign after she read a story on LifeSiteNews about the Teenage Life Club in the U.S. and its campaign to flood the White House with one million pro-life letters before the end of March.
Alexandra designed a website with the help of her father and a Facebook page that provides the Prime Minister’s contact info, a form letter, as well as a survey to keep track of how many letters have been sent. The campaign was officially launched on March 25, the international day of the unborn.
“I would love to make a difference in how our government looks at abortion. I believe that we can accomplish that by showing just how many Canadians are pro-life,” she said.
The form letter tells the Prime Minister that if Canada is to be held up as a free and just nation, then the rights of even the youngest and smallest of human persons must first be upheld.
“I stand, as a voice for the voiceless, demanding justice for the unborn. For the sake of the unborn, for the sake of justice, for the sake of Canada, I will continue to fight for and uphold the basic human right of the most vulnerable and most innocent ones of our society,” the form letter states.
Alexandra told LSN that if she could have an exclusive visit with the Prime Minister, she would ask him whether he believes that unborn babies are human.
“Scientific proof has shown us that the unborn are human,” she said, adding that “all human beings in our country are entitled to their rights, especially to the basic right to life.”
“I’d like to ask the Prime Minister to reopen the abortion debate so that we can establish Canada’s stance on life.”
“There should be no exclusions based on discrimination because of the size or the viability baby,” she said she would tell the Prime Minister.
Alissa Golob, Director of Campaign Life Coalition Youth, told LSN that the Letters4Life campaign highlights the “amazing initiatives” that young people are taking upon themselves in connection to the annual March for Life. The closing date of Alexandra’s letter writing campaign coincides with the date of the National March For Life in Ottawa, which is May 10th.
“We are going to win this battle, and it’s because of people like Alexandria, as well as the tens of thousands of young people who attend the March for Life every year who will do it,” said Golob.
Alexandra’s passion for protecting the lives of the unborn is contagious.
“What if you could help change the course of the future?” she asks. “What if you could save countless lives or what if you could unite with thousands of Canadians and stand up and fight for the preciousness of life to be recognized… from the moment of conception to natural death?”
Alexandra believes that if pro-life Canadians unite, her campaign will reach its goal of 100,000 letters sent to Prime Minister Harper.
“So yeah, maybe we’re crazy. But we’re determined. We’re strong. We’re passionate. And that’s what’s going to make the difference,” she said.
To join Alexandra and her pro-life efforts for Canada:
1. Write your own letter, or use Alexandra’s form letter.
2. Letters may be mailed (postage is free) to:
The Right Honourable Stephen Harper
Prime Minister of Canada
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2
e-mail: [email protected]
3. Submit letters or e-mails sent to Alexandra’s data tracker.
Letter4Life Facebook page
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