How often the heart of my Savior's deep love
Does give me the comfort He sends from above
When around me, moments of darkness fall
I hear His voice, acutely; His call
When I am tested I need Him so much
I can more sense His presence, feel His touch
In all these trials I strive to resist
I need His sunshine, the strength of His fist
Moments like these are when I learn Him best
When faith simply trusts Him, and on Christ's heart rest
Does give me the comfort He sends from above
When around me, moments of darkness fall
I hear His voice, acutely; His call
When I am tested I need Him so much
I can more sense His presence, feel His touch
In all these trials I strive to resist
I need His sunshine, the strength of His fist
Moments like these are when I learn Him best
When faith simply trusts Him, and on Christ's heart rest
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